Bridge Condition
Updated Using 2023 Data
FDOT’s core bridge measure is the percent of bridges on the State Highway System (SHS) meeting FDOT standards. The target is to have at least 90% of bridges maintained by the Department achieve a National Bridge Inventory (NBI) rating of 6 or higher to meet the mandate of 334.046(4), F.S..
The NBI is a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requirement for evaluating bridge conditions, based on a 0 to 9 scale with 0 indicating a failed condition and 9 indicating an excellent condition. An NBI rating of 6 or 7 means a bridge is in good condition.
The Department takes a proactive approach to bridge maintenance, which has proven to be cost-effective. Preventative maintenance and repairs are performed so that bridges will not deteriorate and require greater repair costs. This helps to ensure that FDOT-maintained bridges meet or exceed their life expectancy, resulting in a lower frequency of replacements.
Note: Bridge conditions are calculated using a different method for federal performance reporting purposes.