Number and Rate of Fatalities
Updated Using 2023 Data

Number of fatalities represents the number of people who died as a result of a traffic crash on Florida’s roadways within 30 days of the crash. It accounts for the total number of people suffering fatal injuries in a motor vehicle traffic crash during a calendar year. The rate of fatalities refers to the ratio of the total number of fatalities to the number of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) (expressed in 100 million VMT) in a calendar year. It provides a common denominator to understand the magnitude of the occurrence of deaths on Florida’s roadways.


Methodology: Number and Rate of Fatalities

The number of fatalities is the total number of people killed on roadways as a direct result of a traffic crash within 30 days of the crash occurrence.

The rate of fatalities is the total number of fatalities on roadways per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT).


`"Number of Fatalities" = ∑"People Killed Due to Traffic Crashes"`
`"Rate of Fatalities" = (∑ "Fatalities")/("Annual VMT") × "100 million"`

Reporting Periods

  • Peak Hour
  • Peak Period
  • Daily
  • Yearly

Definitions: Number and Rate of Fatalities

  • Number of fatalities: Total number of people killed on roadways as a direct result of a traffic crash within thirty days of the crash occurrence.
  • Rate of fatalities: Total number of fatalities on roadways per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT).
  • Reporting Period
    • Yearly: Includes all the calendar days in a year.
Download Data

Date of last refresh: 12/11/2024


For 2023: Signal Four Analytics (S4) database as of March 1, 2024
For 2022: Signal Four Analytics (S4) database as of November 15, 2023
Prior years: FDOT State Safety Office's historic Crash Analysis Reporting (CAR) database
Traffic volumes as published by the FDOT Transportation Data and Analytics Office