Number and Rate of Serious Injuries

Number of serious injuries is the total number of people suffering at least one serious or incapacitating injury for each separate motor vehicle traffic crash on Florida’s roadways during a calendar year. The rate of serious injuries refers to the ratio of the total number of serious injuries to the number of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) (expressed in 100 million VMT) in a calendar year. It provides a common denominator to understand the magnitude of the occurrence of serious injuries on Florida’s roadways.


Methodology: Number and Rate of Serious Injuries

The number of serious injuries is the number of disabling/incapacitating injuries (such as broken bones, severed limbs, etc.) from traffic crashes that prevent the injured individuals from engaging in normal activities and that usually require hospitalization and transport to a medical facility. This information is obtained through Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles Traffic Crash Reports HSMV-90003.

The rate of serious injuries refers to the ratio of the total number of serious injuries to the number of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) (expressed in 100 million VMT) in a calendar year.


`"Number of Serious Injuries" = ∑"People Seriously Injured Due to Traffic Crashes"`
`"Rate of Serious Injuries" = (∑ "Serious Injuries")/("Annual VMT") × "100 million"`

Reporting Periods

  • Peak Hour
  • Peak Period
  • Daily
  • Yearly

Definitions: Number and Rate of Serious Injuries

  • Number of serious injuries: Number of disabling/incapacitating injuries (such as broken bones, severed limbs, etc.) from traffic crashes that prevent the injured individuals from engaging in normal activities and that usually require hospitalization and transport to a medical facility.
  • Rate of serious injuries: Total number of serious injuries on roadways per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT).
Download Data

Date of last refresh: 01/19/2024


For 2022: Signal Four Analytics (S4) database as of November 15, 2023; any figures that include the 2022 data are preliminary and may change with future updates;
Prior years: Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) - Traffic Crash Facts Annual Report, FDOT State Safety Office