% Pedestrian Facility Coverage
Updated Using 2023 Data
This measure identifies the share of urban non-limited access roads on the State Highway System that have pedestrian facilities on one or both sides of the road.
Methodology: % Pedestrian Facility Coverage
The pedestrian facilities include urban non-limited access State Highway System (SHS) with a sidewalk 5 feet wide or greater or a shared-use path on either side of roadway. The percentage of pedestrian facility coverage quantifies the percentage of centerline miles of tracked non-freeway facilities in urban areas (5,000+ population) that have sidewalks and/or shared-use paths available to pedestrians. In the formula below, a limited number of non-SHS roadways deemed of interest to FDOT is included.
Reporting Periods
Definitions: % Pedestrian Facility Coverage
- Non-Limited Access: SHS roadways with some grade-separated interchanges, access roads, and/or driveways.
- Pedestrian Facilities: A sidewalk or a shared-use path on either side of a roadway.
- Reporting Periods
- Yearly: Includes all the calendar days in a year.
- Shared-Use Paths: Paved facilities physically separated from motorized vehicular traffic by an open space or barrier and are either within the highway right of way or an independent right of way.
Date of last refresh: 04/25/2024
FDOT - Roadway Characteristics Inventory Feature 216 (Bike Lanes/Pedestrian Facilities)