Space Launches and Sites
Updated Using 2024 Data

The number of space launches accounts for aerospace activity at Cape Canaveral. Space launch sites include all active launch sites at Florida’s civilian and military spaceports.


Methodology: Space Launches and Sites

The number of space launches includes all the successful mission launches from Cape Canaveral Spaceport, aside from any test flights. The space launch sites include active launch sites at Florida's civilian and military spaceports.


`"Space Launches" = ∑ "Successful Orbital Launches"`

Reporting Periods

  • Peak Hour
  • Peak Period
  • Daily
  • Yearly

Definitions: Space Launches and Sites

  • Launch Sites: Active launch sites at Florida's civilian and military spaceports.
  • Reporting Periods
    • Yearly: Includes all the calendar days in a year.
  • Space Launches: All the successful mission launches from Cape Canaveral Spaceport, aside from any test flights.
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Date of last refresh: 01/17/2025


Space Florida